CLASSIC Harambae 20ml/120ml - Flavorshot by 12 Monkeys 23.00 лв.
CLASSIC Matata 20ml/120ml - Flavorshot by 12 Monkeys 23.00 лв.

Introducing Hakuna, a fine selection of juicy and delectable apples, handpicked straight from the sacred branches of the Tribe12M jungle. Fuji and Granny Smith apples work in perfect harmony to create this refreshingly balanced blend, with a light cranberry finish. The brightness of the ripest apples will fill your senses, followed by a touch of sweet cranberry.

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23.00 лв.

Flavor Shot

A flavor that is not intended for direct use!

Quantity: 20ml concentrate on 100% PG base in 120ml bottle.

Flavor shots give you the option to make your liquid with a higher concentration of nicotine.

For 3.3mg add 2 nicotine shots with 20mg nicotine + 80ml base without nicotine

For 5mg add 3 nicotine shots with 20mg nicotine + 70ml base without nicotine

For 6.6mg add 4 nicotine shots with 20mg nicotine + 60ml base without nicotine

For 8.3mg add 5 nicotine shots with 20mg nicotine + 50ml base without nicotine

For 10mg add 6 nicotine shots with 20mg nicotine + 40ml base without nicotine

For 11.6mg add 7 nicotine shots with 20mg nicotine + 30ml base without nicotine

For 13.3mg add 8 nicotine shots with 20mg nicotine + 20ml base without nicotine

For 15mg add 9 nicotine shots with 20mg nicotine + 10ml base without nicotine

For 16.7mg add 10 nicotine shots with 20mg nicotine

*If you don’t want your liquid to contain nicotine, add 100ml of base without nicotine!

Manufacturer: Twelve Monkeys

Weight0.035 kg
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